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The Ride

To me, motherhood is like riding a roller coaster. You wait patiently with such anticipation to begin the journey. However, once you get on, you better buckle up, because you’re in for the ride of your life!

First, you begin your ride by experiencing some butterflies, nerves, and anxiety! Who am I kidding, you’re freaking the heck out! BUT, with a little experience under your belt, your journey begins to take you on an invigorating ride straight uphill. Click, click, click....You begin to feel pretty confident that you’ve "got this!” With a little anxiety and some anticipation, you take a breathe, sit back and start taking in the scenery. And then within a flash and completely out of nowhere, the downhill ascend begins! With a jolt of jerking, bumping and some major shaking going on, you begin to get honest and ask, when is this part of the ride going to end? Oh, you just wait honey, you’re not done yet! The fun has just begun!

With all this shaking going on, you may also find yourself throwing your hands up and screaming (literally). Can I get an amen? I remember so many times I felt like I was loosing all sense of direction and control even thinking I might throw up! My babies that once begged for me when I dropped them at daycare are now snotty little adolescence with a major tude (attitude that is) and stinky rooms. You find yourself grasping to whatever you can to gain some stability (maybe a big calorie filled chocolate bar?). Anything to find some peace!

Suddenly their social lives are more prominent than yours, and you find yourself as not only the chaffer, but the chef, event coordinator, maid, therapist, cheerleader, and everything else in between. This is the part of the ride where your hair gets a little tussled and wind blown. And when I say a “little tussled,” I mean you’ve got a rat’s nest at this point that has only been washed in the last week with dry shampoo.

As soon as you can tame the mane, and feel that maybe things are plaining out..... the ride comes to what seems to be an abrupt stop! Just like that, your babies are all grown up and flying the coup. You forget that you’re now a chocoholic and have a rat’s nest sitting on your head a mile high. And for some strange reason as scary is was at times, you wish you could go back and ride it all over again.

My advice to you mamas… enjoy every second! Take it ALL in. Don’t stress over the little things. Your little girl’s bow doesn’t always have to match her outfit perfectly. Your boys will probably wear their stinky clothes 5 days in a row… life goes on! Just sit back and Enjoy the RIDE because it won't be long and this ride will be over!

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