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The Buck Stops Here!

Im sure you have heard the old saying “The Buck Stops Here!” On December 19,1952, President Harry Truman said, ''You know, it's easy for the Monday morning quarterback to say what the coach should have done after the game is over. But when the decision is up before you--and on my desk I have a motto which says, ''The buck stops here''--the decision has to be made.''Many times it takes finally making your mind up that whatever the situation, it can’t go on any longer.

My Mom and Dad are the most inspirational people in my life. I have so much respect for both of them because of their positive attitude and the great example they have modeled of how to live life. They both came from simple modest homes with family challenges and relational obstacles to overcome. The interesting thing was that their families knew one another and they actually knew each other from childhood.

As they grew into adolescents they found themselves falling in love. They began their journey together and they began to envision what their life and future together would look like. Would they continue on the path that had been modeled for them or would they choose a life for their family that they had always dreamed of? For the two of them, It was quite clear..... that, “The Buck Stopped Here!” Together, they made a conscience decision that they were going to change the direction of the way that they were raised and they purposed in their heart to make a different life for each other and their future children. And, boy did they do just that!

When my dad was a teenager, he had a job selling shoes at a department store downtown. His goal was to make enough money to put gas in his car so he could go on a date. Because of his drive and determination to be successful he soon became the top salesman in the shoe department. Once he attained this goal he soon worked up enough confidence to apply for a position in a large bank in the downtown area of the city. He got the job and took a position in the mail room, sorting and delivering mail.

As the years passed and he was faithful to do his best, he could see that he was not designed to stay in the mailroom forever. Soon he began applying for available positions within the company hoping to get to the next position and someday “work his way up the ladder.” Because of his self motivation, drive and determination he would go in to work early or stay late with a plan to learn the job so well that he would surpass others in his knowledge and ability. He knew that being average would lead to an average life and never lead him to the success in life he desired.

Along the way, many were intimidated by his zeal and always “on top of it” attitude and tried to stop him. But there was no stopping him, the vision was too clear within him. He knew that someday he would work his way up to an executive of that bank and he and his family would live the life he had only dreamed of. With no mentor or (google) he worked relentlessly to attain one position after the next while gaining a reputation as ‘the clean up man’ because of his strategic organization and amazing problem solving ability. Because of his growing influence, reputation and successes, he was given numerous departments to oversee (which were usually the ones that others had left in a mess.) He never complained, he just got the job done!

He knew the secret that doing things that others were not willing to do with the ingredient for promotion, influence and ultimately success. After many years of hard work and productivity, he had achieved and surpassed many that he had worked under. He had gone from the mail room to the board room. Along this journey, he had proven that when he stood up, set goals and took control of his life he began to walk in his destiny and fulfill all that God had created him to be. When he aimed his vision in the direction of success and because he was willing to roll up his sleeves and put in the hard work, failure and defeat were not an option.

I am so glad that my mom and dad made that decision. I have grown up with a strong leader as a father and a mother that proved that your past does not dictate your future. That when you stand up and take control of your life and say “The Buck Stops Here” not only will you open the door to your destiny but you will free yourself from any excuses that will try and hold you back.

Life Lessons:

  1. It doesn’t matter how you start it matters how you finish.

  2. You are the only one that can bring change in your life.

  3. When you get sick and tired of the way your life is going, you have the power within you to change your course.

  4. Success doesn’t fall in your lap but determination and hard work will draw success to you like a magnet.

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