Have you ever made a mental note for yourself and within seconds completely forgotten what it was about?
Glad, I'm not the only one! Making a simple note or reminder for yourself can eliminate a lot of headache and wasted time. So if it's THAT important to write down not to forget milk at the grocery store, don't you think it's probably vital that we write down our goals and aspirations? DUH!
It's actually proven that you're 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, just by writing them down! So what's the science behind that you ask? When you simply THINK about a goal or dream, it uses the right side of your brain only, but when you then WRITE it down, it ignites the left side of your brain. When both sides are in use, it signals "I want and need this!"
These vision boards not only fire up both sides of your brain, but they're a constant reminder to keep your eyes on the prize! Your dreams will no longer be nestled in the cobwebs of your mind, but will be a daily focal point and motivator. There's also something so rewarding about seeing those things on your vision board soon become a reality!